Bar-Room HustlerBecome a human lie detector with 100% accuracy. It's so amazingly easy to peform this masterpiece of mental magic.1) Imagine handing out four £20 notes to four people in a bar then turning your back on them.
2) They each fold their note up to the size of a postage stamp and clench both their fists with the note concealed in one of their hands, it is a free choice.
3) You ask them one question each and the volunteers may each lie or tell the truth, no-one knows who is lying or telling the truth, again a free choice.
4) You now give them a free choice to secretly change hands if they wish, and then ask them a second question, again some may lie and some may be telling the truth.
5) With no more questions you immediately tell each person which hand they have their note in, one after the other. The penalty for any failure is having that person keep your £20 note. Amazingly you get all four right and your money is safe.
Another routine has your spectator using their own £1 coin, they can lie or tell the truth, but you always tell them which hand they are holding the coin in. As a finale you even tell them the date on their coin.
How about ringing someone up and performing the routine over the phone.
No gimmicks, No electronics, No pumping, No 'MISSES' you nail it 100% of the time, No peeking, No psychology to learn, No memory work, No mathematics, No formulas.Very easy to perform, you will learn this straight away.This is an impromptu, propless mentalism effect.
This advert is for the full instructions and routines only. You have to provide your own money.
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