The Chaos Card Trick
***Works with any deck of cards. No playing cards are included in this sale***
Chaos is a self-working masterpiece that you will love performing! A real "Magician Fooler".
You talk about the difference between fate and free will, explaining that some people believe fate is written in the stars and can never be changed, whereas others are of the opinion that by using free will you can always influence the outcome of an event. You illustrate this with two cards, one explaining fate, the other explaining the truth of free will.
A deck of playing cards is now shuffled and a card chosen in a completely fair and random manner. Throughout the selection process your spectator is given the opportunity to try to outwit fate by using free will to alter events, even changing the value of cards if they wish . Eventually a card is chosen.
You now turn to the "Fate" and "Free Will" cards that have lain on the table throughout and read what is written on the back of them. The back of the "Free Will" card explains that life will always be unpredictable however you try to control it. Amazingly on the back of the "Fate" card is a prediction of the chosen playing card proving that you can never change fate.
No false moves or sleight of hand, this trick is so easy to perform.
You will receive:
The plastic coated, double sided Fate and Free Will cards 15cm X 10cm.
Full instructions and routine in PDF format via email link.