ESP WILL MATCH Three members of your audience get to join in this matching test of 3 pairs of ESP symbol cards.
You show the faces of six ESP cards plus a further prediction card on which is written "ESP Will Match". All the cards are turned face-down in a pile, including the card with the prediction on. Each spectator takes a turn in mixing the cards and then taking two.
You are left with the one final card. When you turn it over you see that your prediction card has returned to you and amazingly it comes true as each spectator show that they are holding a matching pair of ESP cards.
This fun effect is totally self-working so you can concentrate on presentation.
Bonus Routine: You will also receive instructions and extra cards to perform a second routine called "Will The Cards Match".
You bring out 5 matching pairs of cards showing ESP symbols. The cards are mixed up and dealt into two piles. Your helper is told that he will win a little prize if he can find all the matching cards, if even one pair doesn't match then he will get nothing. You now spell out the phrase "Will The Cards Match" and a card is moved from the top of the pile to the bottom for every letter. Each time you call out a letter your helper decides from which pile you move a card. Amazingly at the end all 5 pairs are matched up and you declare your helper to be great magicians.
You will receive:
The special set of 10 ESP cards.
The prediction card with "ESP Will Match" written on it.
A manilla envelope to present them in.
The full instructions and routine in PDF format via email.