Free Choice
Amazing prediction magic trick
You lay six cards face-up on the table and explain to your spectator that they must choose one for themselves and one for you. You tell them that they have a totally free choice, but you will try and influence which cards they pick.
After a bit of patter your spectator makes their choice. When you turn the two cards over they both have red backs, the remaining cards are shown to all have blue backs.
This is a fun little effect that is easy to perform but will totally trick your audience. A clever line of patter has you going through the cards explaining why they might take some but will discard others. In the end they will really think that you have controlled their mind.
Keep this in your pocket and you are ready to perform anytime.
No forcing, your spectator really has a free choice of the cards they choose.
You will receive:
The special set of 6 Piatnik playing cards.
A manilla envelope to present them in.
The full instructions and routine in PDF format via email link.