Friday Night Out A totally self working prediction trick You place a bag of money in full view on the table stating that it is a prediction of just how expensive the night is going to be be. Four double sided drinks menus are now handed out, taken from four different pubs. You state that your audience are going to have a night out, taking a different drink in each pub, maybe a glass of wine in one, a pint of beer in another, then perhaps a cocktail in the next pub, finishing off with a spirit chaser in the last pub. The pubs can be visited in any order and it is obvious that if they swap what they drink in any of the pubs the total spend will come out different. Your audience choose their four drinks and the cost of each is noted down. When all the drinks are tallied up it is found that the total matches the money in the bag. You receive the four specially printed drinks menus that do all the work for you, just concentrate on your patter.
The menus are a perfect size for a small stage or room but work great for close-up as well.
You will receive:
4 drinks menus (300g card, uncoated) measuring 19cm X 14cm.
The full printed instructions and routine in PDF format via email link.