You relate the story of the Whitechapel murders and show a card listing the names of the five canonical victims (those generally attributed to the Ripper). Your volunteer must silently choose a name that stands out to them or perhaps they feel a connection with.
You now hand the volunteer five cards, each with the name of a victim on. She shuffles the cards then spreads them out face-down on the table so that nobody could know which card is which. You explain that in 1888 a psychic medium managed to gain contact with one of the victims during a session of Table Rapping (a means of communication with the deceased), you wish to see if you can repeat that experiment.
You start tapping the backs of the cards, randomly, one at a time, until your spectator says stop. The card your finger ended on is revealed, and it’s the very same victim with whom the volunteer mentally felt connected to .
Totally self-working. This effect can have a different victim chosen every time. At the end everything can be handed out for inspection.
No forcing, no double cards, no sleight of hand. and you are ready to perform any time.
No set-up, just have the cards in your pocket
You will receive:
The set of six gimmicked plastic coated cards measuring 85mm X 55mm.
A black velvet pouch to present them in.
The instructions and full routine in PDF format via email.
Delivery via Royal Mail letter post.