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Mental ESP

£3.99 inc. tax
Mental ESP
A self working mentalism trick that can be repeated immediately.
You place an envelope on the table, it holds just one card, your prediction.
You bring out a symbol chart showing twenty ESP symbols and you ask two members of the audience to each secretly think of a number between 1 and 20. They must count along the card and both note the symbol at their freely chosen numbers.
Amazingly you take out the single card from the envelope that has been in full view throughout and reveal the symbols that your audience members are thinking of.
If this it not amazing enough, you immediately repeat the effect with two new audience members revealing two new symbols.
No forcing of numbers or strange calculations.

There is only one card in the envelope, no switching or funny moves.
There is only one symbol chart.
You will receive:
The ESP symbol chart (300g card, uncoated) 11cm X 9cm
The gimmicked ESP card and envelope
The full printed instructions and routine in PDF format via email

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