No Chance You will never lose your money in this great gambling dice effect. Six envelopes, numbered 1 to 6, are given to a spectator for safe keeping and you explain that in one of the envelopes is a £10 note. A second spectator is invited to gamble with your money, he is given a dice and told to roll it. Whichever number the dice lands on the spectator must take the envelope displaying that number. He is to repeat this process until he holds five of the envelopes, and he gets to keep anything found inside. The odds are definitely in the spectator's favour but when he opens his five envelopes all he finds is paper. You now get the first spectator to open the one remaining envelope to reveal your £10 note. This is a completely self-working magic effect which requires no skill, just presentation. You will receive everything needed to perform this great effect - just supply your own money!
You will receive:
The special dice and a matching normal dice.
Six numbered envelopes.
Full instructions and routine in PDF format via email link.