Predicta Rune A blindfold prediction of a chosen rune card. Your spectator is given a small packet of cards with rune symbols drawn on them and is told to mix or shuffle them up. He then makes a random choice of one of the cards, mentally notes the symbol drawn on the card, and finally shuffles this card back into the packet before handing the cards over to you. Still blindfolded, you remove one card from the packet and place it face down on the table. When the card is turned over it reveals to be the rune symbol randomly chosen by your spectator. To finish off you give your spectator a quick reading based on this chosen card. This is a self-working card effect which requires no skill, just presentation.
You will receive:
A list of 8 runes to use for the effect. 8 blank face playing cards to draw the runes on (plus a couple of spares). A fine point permanent marker pen. A small envelope to present the cards in. The full instructions and routine in PDF format via email link.