The Pharaoh and The Priest A two phase card effect set in ancient Egypt
The cards do all the work allowing you to focus on presentation.
You tell the story of a High Priest who would perform this feat of palace magic before the ancient Egyptian Kings in the temple of Karnak. He would use three pairs of cards depicting the ancient symbols of power, resurrection and life.
Phase 1: The king mixes the cards and places a random choice face down on the table. Amazingly the priest is able to find the matching card, not once but three times. Phase 2: The priest now demonstrates how his name has total control over the cards. Together the king and the priest mix the cards whilst spelling out the priest's name, until three pairs of cards form a sacred triangle. Once more the king is amazed when he turns over three matching pairs.
This is a great effect with a compelling storyline.
Easy to perform with the specially printed cards. No sleight of hand or fancy moves.
You will receive: The set of six cards (300g card uncoated) measuring 85mm X 55mm.
An envelope to present them in,
The instructions and full routine in PDF format via email link.